Python 简明教程
Python - Templating
Templating in Python
Python 中的模板编制是在 Web 开发中用来使用模板和数据动态生成静态 HTML 页面的技术。
Templating in Python is a technique used in web development to dynamically generate static HTML pages using templates and data.
在本教程中,我们将探讨 Python 中模板编制的要点,包括安装、创建模板以及使用数据渲染模板,重点讲述 Jinja2 模板引擎。
In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of templating in Python, including installation, creating templates, and rendering templates with data, with a focus on the Jinja2 templating engine.
String Templates in Python
Python 中的字符串模板是执行字符串替换的一种简单方法。Python 的字符串模块包含 Template class,它提供一种简单的方法,可以用实际值替换字符串中的占位符。
String templates in Python is a simple way to perform string substitutions. Python’s string module includes the Template class, which provides an easy way to replace placeholders in a string with actual values.
模板字符串使用 $ 符号进行替换,紧随其后的是一个标识符,它遵循形成有效 Python 标识符的规则。
Template strings use the $ symbol for substitution, immediately followed by an identifier that follows the rules of forming a valid Python identifier.
Creating a Template
要创建一个模板,可以使用一个包含占位符的字符串实例化 Template class,占位符添加 $ 前缀,如下所示 −
To create a template, you instantiate the Template class with a string that contains placeholders prefixed with $ as shown below −
from string import Template
template = Template("Hello, $name!")
Substituting Values
可以使用 substitute() 方法来将值代入模板,此方法采用一个键值对字典。
You can substitute values into the template using the substitute() method, which takes a dictionary of key-value pairs.
substitute() 方法用实际值替换模板中的占位符(标识符)。可以使用关键字参数或字典提供这些值。该方法返回一个新的字符串,其中占位符已填入。
The substitute() method replaces the placeholders (identifiers) in the template with actual values. You can provide these values using keyword arguments or a dictionary. The method then returns a new string with the placeholders filled in.
Example: Using Keyword Arguments
Example: Using Keyword Arguments
以下代码通过关键字参数替换模板字符串中的标识符 −
Following code substitute identifiers in a template string using keyword arguments −
from string import Template
tempStr = Template('Hello. My name is $name and my age is $age')
newStr = tempStr.substitute(name = 'Pushpa', age = 26)
print (newStr)
It will produce the following output −
Hello. My name is Pushpa and my age is 26
Example: Using a Dictionary
Example: Using a Dictionary
在以下示例中,使用一个字典对象将模板字符串中的替换标识符映射 −
In the following example, we use a dictionary object to map the substitution identifiers in the template string −
from string import Template
tempStr = Template('Hello. My name is $name and my age is $age')
dct = {'name' : 'Pushpalata', 'age' : 25}
newStr = tempStr.substitute(dct)
print (newStr)
以下是上面代码的输出: -
Following is the output of the above code −
Hello. My name is Pushpalata and my age is 25
Example: Missing Parameters Raises KeyError
Example: Missing Parameters Raises KeyError
如果未向 substitute() 方法提供足够的参数来匹配模板字符串中的标识符,Python 将引发 KeyError −
If the substitute() method is not provided with sufficient parameters to be matched against the identifiers in the template string, Python raises KeyError −
from string import Template
tempStr = Template('Hello. My name is $name and my age is $age')
dct = {'name' : 'Pushpalata'}
newStr = tempStr.substitute(dct)
print (newStr)
以下错误已生成 −
Following is the error produced −
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cg/root/667e441d9ebd5/", line 5, in <module>
newStr = tempStr.substitute(dct)
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 121, in substitute
return self.pattern.sub(convert, self.template)
File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 114, in convert
return str(mapping[named])
KeyError: 'age'
Substituting Values Using safe_substitute() Method
safe_substitute() 方法的行为类似于 substitute() 方法,不同之处在于,如果键不足或不匹配,它不会引发错误。相反,原始占位符将原封不动地出现在结果字符串中。
The safe_substitute() method behaves similarly to substitute() method, except for the fact that it doesn’t throw error if the keys are not sufficient or are not matching. Instead, the original placeholder will appear in the resulting string intact.
在以下示例中,使用 safe_substitue() 方法来替换值 −
In the following example, we are using the safe_substitue() method for substituting values −
from string import Template
tempStr = Template('Hello. My name is $name and my age is $age')
dct = {'name' : 'Pushpalata'}
newStr = tempStr.safe_substitute(dct)
print (newStr)
It will produce the following output −
Hello. My name is Pushpalata and my age is $age
Installing Jinja2
要在 Python 中使用 Jinja2 进行模板编制,首先需要安装库。Jinja2 是一个强大的模板引擎,在 Web 开发中被广泛用来渲染 HTML。可以使用 Python 的包安装器 pip 轻松安装该引擎 −
To use Jinja2 for templating in Python, you first need to install the library. Jinja2 is a powerful templating engine that is widely used in web development for rendering HTML. It can be installed easily using pip, Python’s package installer −
pip install jinja2
Creating and Rendering Jinja2 Templates
Jinja2 是 Python 中强大的模板引擎,它允许通过将静态模板文件和数据融合来创建动态内容。本节将探讨如何创建 Jinja2 模板,并使用数据渲染它们。
Jinja2 is a powerful templating engine for Python that allows you to create dynamic content by blending static template files with data. This section explores how to create Jinja2 templates and render them with data.
Creating a Jinja2 Template
要创建 Jinja2 模板,需要定义一个模板字符串或从文件中加载。模板使用双花括号 {{ … }} 作为占位符,并使用 {% … %} 支持“循环”和“条件”等控制结构。
To create a Jinja2 template, you define a template string or load it from a file. Templates use double curly braces {{ … }} for placeholders and support control structures like "loops" and "conditionals" with {% … %}.
以下是一个存储在“template.html”文件中的简单的 Jinja2 模板示例 −
Following is an example of a simple Jinja2 template stored in a file "template.html" −
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello, {{ name }}!</title>
<h1>Hello, {{ name }}!</h1>
<p>Welcome to our site.</p>
Rendering a Jinja2 Template
要呈现 Jinja2 模板,请按以下步骤操作 −
To render a Jinja2 template, follow these steps −
Loading the Template − Load the template from a file or create it from a string.
Creating a Template Object − Use "jinja2.Template" to create a template object.
Rendering − Use the render() method on the template object, passing data as arguments or a dictionary.
在此处,我们正在渲染 Jinja2 模板 −
In here, we are rendering Jinja2 template −
from jinja2 import Template, FileSystemLoader, Environment
# Loading a template from a file (template.html)
file_loader = FileSystemLoader('.')
env = Environment(loader=file_loader)
template = env.get_template('template.html')
# Rendering the template with data
output = template.render(name='Alice')
# Output the rendered template
呈现的 Jinja2 模板的输出将是一个 HTML 文档,其中占位符将替换为呈现期间传递的实际数据 −
The output of the rendered Jinja2 template would be an HTML document with the placeholders replaced by the actual data passed during rendering −
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello, Alice!</title>
<h1>Hello, Alice!</h1>
<p>Welcome to our site.</p>
Advanced Jinja2 Features
Template Inheritance
Jinja2 支持模板继承,允许你创建一个使用常见元素(如标题、页脚、导航栏)的基础模板,并在子模板中扩展或覆盖特定块。这促进了大型项目中的代码重用和可维护性。
Jinja2 supports template inheritance, allowing you to create a base template with common elements (like headers, footers, navigation bars) and extend or override specific blocks in child templates. This promotes code reuse and maintainability in large projects.
此名为“base.html”的 HTML 模板文件使用 Jinja2 模板语法为网页定义了一个基本结构。
This HTML template file named "base.html" defines a basic structure for a web page using Jinja2 templating syntax.
它包括块“{% block title %}"和“{% block content %}",可以在派生模板中覆盖这些块,以分别自定义页面的标题和主要内容 −
It includes blocks "{% block title %}" and "{% block content %}" that can be overridden in derived templates to customize the title and main content of the page, respectively −
<!-- base.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>{% block title %}Default Title{% endblock %}</title>
{% block content %}{% endblock %}
以下 Jinja2 模板文件“child.html”扩展了“base.html”模板,覆盖标题块以将其设置为“子页面”,并将内容块覆盖为包含文本“子页面内容”的 <h1> 标题。
The following Jinja2 template file "child.html" extends the "base.html" template, overriding the title block to set it to "Child Page" and the content block to include an <h1> header with the text "Child Page Content".
<!-- child.html -->
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}Child Page{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
<h1>Child Page Content</h1>
{% endblock %}
Jinja2 允许你使用 {% for %} 循环来遍历列表或其他可迭代对象。以下是如何使用循环在 HTML 中生成无序列表 (<ul>) 的示例 −
Jinja2 allows you to iterate over lists or other iterable objects using {% for %} loops. Following is an example of how you can use a loop to generate an unordered list (<ul>) in HTML −
{% for item in items %}
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Jinja2 ({% if %} 和 {% else %}) 中的条件语句用于根据条件控制你的模板的流。这里有一个“Jinja2”检查用户是否存在,如果存在,则显示个性化问候语的示例;否则,提示用户登录 −
Conditional statements in Jinja2 ({% if %} and {% else %}) is used to control the flow of your templates based on conditions. Here is an example where "Jinja2" checks if user exists and displays a personalized greeting if true; otherwise, it prompts to log in −
{% if user %}
<p>Welcome, {{ user }}!</p>
{% else %}
<p>Please log in.</p>
{% endif %}
Custom Filters
Jinja2 中的自定义过滤器用于定义你自己的过滤器,以便在模板中显示之前操作数据。
Custom filters in Jinja2 is used to define your own filters to manipulate data before displaying it in the template.
在以下示例中,在 Jinja2 中定义了一个自定义过滤器 reverse 来反转字符串“hello”,在模板中应用时会转换成“olleh” −
In the following example, a custom filter reverse is defined in Jinja2 to reverse the string "hello", resulting in "olleh" when applied in the template −
# Define a custom filter function
def reverse_string(s):
return s[::-1]
# Register the filter with the Jinja2 environment
env.filters['reverse'] = reverse_string
然后在你的模板中,你可以将“reverse”过滤器应用到任何字符串 −
In your template, you can then apply the "reverse" filter to any string −
{{ "hello" | reverse }}
以下是所获得的输出 −
Following is the output obtained −