Python 简明教程
Python - History
History of Python
Python 由 Guido van Rossum 在 80 年代末和 90 年代初在荷兰数学与计算机科学国家研究中心开发。
Python was developed by Guido van Rossum in the late eighties and early nineties at the National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands.
Python 源自许多其他语言,包括 ABC、Modula-3、 C 、 C++ 、Algol-68、SmallTalk 和 Unix shell 以及其他 scripting languages 。
Python is derived from many other languages, including ABC, Modula-3, C, C++, Algol-68, SmallTalk, and Unix shell and other scripting languages.
Python 是受版权保护的。与 Perl 一样,Python 源代码现在可在 GNU 通用公共许可证 (GPL) 下获得。
Python is copyrighted. Like Perl, Python source code is now available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
对于许多未入门的人来说,Python 这个词与一种蛇类有关。然而,Rossum 将选择 Python 这个名字归因于 BBC 的一部流行喜剧系列 Monty Python’s Flying Circus 。
For many uninitiated people, the word Python is related to a species of snake. Rossum though attributes the choice of the name Python to a popular comedy series Monty Python’s Flying Circus on BBC.
作为 Python 的首席架构师,开发者社区授予他 Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL) 的称号。然而,在 2018 年,Rossum 放弃了这个称号。此后,Python 参考实现的开发和分发由一个非营利组织 Python Software Foundation 处理。
Being the principal architect of Python, the developer community conferred upon him the title of Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL). However, in 2018, Rossum relinquished the title. Thereafter, the development and distribution of the reference implementation of Python is handled by a nonprofit organization Python Software Foundation.
Who Invented Python?
Python 是由荷兰程序员 Guido Van Rossum 在 20 世纪 80 年代末发明。Python 的第一个版本 (0.9.0) 于 1991 年发行。
Python was invented by a Dutch Programmer Guido Van Rossum in the late 1980s. And, Python’s first version (0.9.0) was released in 1991.
Evolution of Python – The Major Python Releases
以下是 Python 历史上重要的阶段 −
Following are the important stages in the history of Python −
Python 0.9.0
Python 最早发布的版本是 0.9。它于 1991 年 2 月发布。它提供对面向对象编程核心原则的支持。
Python’s first published version is 0.9. It was released in February 1991. It consisted of support for core object-oriented programming principles.
Python 1.0
1994 年 1 月,版本 1.0 发布,配备功能性的编程工具,例如对复数的支持等功能。
In January 1994, version 1.0 was released, armed with functional programming tools, features like support for complex numbers etc.
Python 2.0
下一个主要版本 − Python 2.0 于 2000 年 10 月发布。其中包含许多新功能,例如列表解析、垃圾回收和 Unicode 支持。
Next major version − Python 2.0 was launched in October 2000. Many new features such as list comprehension, garbage collection and Unicode support were included with it.
Python 3.0
Python 3.0 是 Python 的一个彻底修改的版本,于 2008 年 12 月发布。这次修改的主要目的是消除 Python 2.x 版本中出现的很多差异。Python 3 已反向移植到 Python 2.6。它还包含一个名为 python2to3 的实用程序,以方便 Python 2 代码自动转换为 Python 3。
Python 3.0, a completely revamped version of Python was released in December 2008. The primary objective of this revamp was to remove a lot of discrepancies that had crept in Python 2.x versions. Python 3 was backported to Python 2.6. It also included a utility named as python2to3 to facilitate automatic translation of Python 2 code to Python 3.
EOL for Python 2.x
即使在 Python 3 发布之后,Python 软件基金会仍继续为 Python 2 分支提供增量微版本支持,直至 2019 年。然而,它决定在 2020 年年底停止支持,届时 Python 2.7.17 是该分支中的最后一个版本。
Even after the release of Python 3, Python Software Foundation continued to support the Python 2 branch with incremental micro versions till 2019. However, it decided to discontinue the support by the end of year 2020, at which time Python 2.7.17 was the last version in the branch.
Current Version of Python
同时,Python 3.x 分支已集成了越来越多的功能。截至目前,Python 3.11.2 是当前稳定版本,于 2023 年 2 月发布。
Meanwhile, more and more features have been incorporated into Python’s 3.x branch. As of date, Python 3.11.2 is the current stable version, released in February 2023.
What’s New in Python 3.11?
Python 3.11 版本最重要的特性之一是速度显着提高。据 Python 官方文档称,此版本比前一版本(3.10)快 60%。它还指出,标准基准套件显示执行速度提高了 25%。
One of the most important features of Python’s version 3.11 is the significant improvement in speed. According to Python’s official documentation, this version is faster than the previous version (3.10) by up to 60%. It also states that the standard benchmark suite shows a 25% faster execution rate.
Python 3.11 has a better exception messaging. Instead of generating a long traceback on the occurrence of an exception, we now get the exact expression causing the error.
As per the recommendations of PEP 678, the add_note() method is added to the BaseException class. You can call this method inside the except clause and pass a custom error message.
It also adds the cbroot() function in the maths module. It returns the cube root of a given number.
A new module tomllib is added in the standard library. TOML (Tom’s Obvious Minimal Language) can be parsed with tomlib module function.
Frequently Asked Questions About Python History
1. Who created Python?
Python 由荷兰程序员 Guido Van Rossum 创建。
Python created by Guido Van Rossum, a Dutch Programmer.
2. Why Python is called Python?
Python 与蛇没有任何关系。Python 编程语言的名称灵感来自英国喜剧团体 Monty Python。
Python does not have any relation to Snake. The name of the Python programming language was inspired by a British Comedy Group Monty Python.
3. When was Python’s first version released?
Python 的第一个版本于 1991 年 2 月发布。
Python’s first version was released in February 1991.