Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Backup & Recovery
Windows 10 具有多种工具来帮助你执行文档备份。以下是其中一些工具。
Windows 10 features several tools to help you perform backups of your documents. Here are some of these tools.
File History
File History will perform a back-up of the files located in your libraries (Documents, Pictures, Music, etc.) It allows you to choose a drive, where you can back-up your files and then asks you when to do it.
To configure the File History backup, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Update & security 。
Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and select Update & security.

Step 2 - 在 UPDATE & SECURITY 窗口中,选择 Backup 。
Step 2 − In the UPDATE & SECURITY window, select Backup.

Step 3 - 单击“添加驱动器”以选择存储备份的位置。
Step 3 − Click “Add a drive” to choose where to store your backup.

Backup & Restore (Windows 7)
此工具在 Windows 8 和 8.1 中被删除,现已重新启用,允许你执行备份并从旧的 Windows 7 备份中恢复数据。但是,它还允许你备份 Windows 10 上的常规文档。
This tool, which was removed in Windows 8 and 8.1, was brought back allowing you to perform back-ups and restore data from old Windows 7 backups. However, it also lets to back-up your regular documents on Windows 10.
To open the Back-up & Restore, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 通过在搜索栏中搜索来打开 Control Panel 。
Step 1 − Open the Control Panel by searching for it in the Search bar.

Step 2 - 在控制面板打开后,选择 Backup and Restore (Windows 7) 。
Step 2 − After the Control Panel is open, choose Backup and Restore (Windows 7).

Step 3 - 在备份和还原窗口中,可以选择“设置备份”。
Step 3 − In the Backup and Restore window, you can choose to “Set up backup”.

Step 4 - 在 Set up backup 窗口中,选择你想要存储备份的位置。
Step 4 − In the Set up backup window, choose where you want to store your backup.

在选择任何列出的存储设备时,Windows 10 将向你提供有关该特定设备的信息。在选择所需目的地后,单击 Next 。
When choosing any of the listed storage devices, Windows 10 will give you information about that specific device. After choosing the desired destination, click Next.
Step 5 - 在下一个窗口中,您可以选择要备份的文件。
Step 5 − In the next window, you can choose what files you want to backup.

Windows 默认是将所有内容存储在您的库(文档、图片等)和桌面上,但您也可以选择特定的文件和文件夹进行备份。在做出选择后,单击 Next 。
Windows default is to store everything in your libraries (Documents, Pictures, etc.) and in your Desktop, but you can also choose specific files and folders to backup. After making your selection, click Next.
Step 6 - 在最后一个窗口中,您可以查看备份的设置并建立要执行它的计划。
Step 6 − In the last window, you can review the settings of your backup and establish the schedule in which you want to perform it.

Step 7 - 在最后,单击 Save settings and run backup 。备份将在计划时间执行。
Step 7 − In the end, click Save settings and run backup. The backup will perform at the scheduled time.
Creating a System Image
在您的计算机发生故障时,Windows 10 为您提供了某些将其恢复到特定状态的替代方案。其中一种替代方案是创建一个称为系统映像的内容。系统映像是对您计算机正常运行所需的所有系统和程序文件的一个副本。
In case your computer failing, Windows 10 offers you some alternatives to restore it to a specific state. One of these alternatives is creating what is called a system image. A system image is a copy of all your system and program files needed for your computer to run properly.
You can use this option to store an image of your computer at a specific moment, and use it to restore your computer to that state later. The option to create a system image is in the same Backup and Restore window we discussed before.
Step 1 - 从控制面板打开 Backup and Restore 窗口。
Step 1 − Open the Backup and Restore window from the Control Panel.

Step 2 - 在 Backup and Restore 窗口中,选择左侧的“创建系统映像”选项。
Step 2 − On the Backup and Restore window, choose the “Create a system image” option on the left.

Step 3 - 在 Create a system image 窗口中,您可以在硬盘、DVD 或网络中选择三个地方之一来存储备份。
Step 3 − On the Create a system image window, you can choose where to store the backup from among three places: your hard disk, on DVD’s, or in the network.

选择存储备份的位置后,单击 Next 。
After choosing where to store the backup, click Next.
Step 4 - 在下一个窗口中,只需确认您的映像设置并单击 Start backup 。
Step 4 − In the next window, just confirm your image settings and click Start backup.

Resetting the PC
Windows 10 为您提供的另一个系统恢复替代方案仅仅称为“重置此电脑”。此选项将允许您将计算机恢复到其默认出厂设置。它还会为您提供保留文件或删除所有内容的选项。要重置您的电脑,请按照以下步骤操作−
Another alternative Windows 10 offers you for system recovery is simply called “Reset this PC”. This option will allow you to return your computer to its default factory settings. It will also give you the option of keeping your files or removing everything. To reset your PC, follow these steps −
Step 1 - 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Update & security 。
Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and select Update & security.

Step 2 - 在 UPDATE & SECURITY 窗口中,选择 Recovery 。
Step 2 − On the UPDATE & SECURITY window, select Recovery.

Step 3 - 在 Recovery 窗口中,您可以在 Reset this PC 下单击“开始”按钮。
Step 3 − On the Recovery window, you can click the “Get started” button under Reset this PC.
Step 4 - 下一个窗口,将询问您是想重置设置和应用程序,但仍保留个人文件,还是只删除所有内容并将计算机恢复到其默认状态。
Step 4 − The next window, will ask you whether you want to reset your settings and applications, but still keep your personal files, or just remove everything and return your computer to its default state.

Advanced Options
Windows 10 具有恢复您的电脑的几个高级选项。虽然这些选项是为高级用户准备的,但您可以从我们之前讨论过的同一 Update & Security 窗口中访问它们。
Windows 10 features several advanced options to restore your PC. Although these are meant for advanced users, you can access them from the same Update & Security window that we have discussed before.
Step 1 - 打开 Settings 窗口并选择 UPDATE & SECURITY 。
Step 1 − Open the Settings window and select UPDATE & SECURITY.

Step 2 - 在 UPDATE & SECURITY 窗口中,选择 Recovery 。在 Advanced startup 下,立即单击 Restart 按钮。
Step 2 − On the UPDATE & SECURITY window, select Recovery. Under Advanced startup, click the Restart now button.
Step 3 - 当 Windows 10 重新启动时,它将向您提供可供选择的选项菜单。
Step 3 − When Windows 10 restarts, it will present you a menu of options to select from.

每次 Windows 尝试启动不成功时,都会出现相同的菜单。
The same menu will appear whenever Windows tries to boot unsuccessfully.