Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Parental Control
Windows 10 允许您为子女设置一个儿童帐户。此帐户允许您限制帐户的使用方式并监控子女的行为。
Windows 10 allows you to set up a child’s account for your children. This account will allow you to establish restrictions on how the account is used and monitor what your child does.
To create a child’s account, follow these steps −
Step 1 − 转到 SETTINGS 并选择 Accounts 。
Step 1 − Go to SETTINGS and choose Accounts.

Step 2 − 在 ACCOUNTS 中,选择 Family & other users 选项。
Step 2 − In ACCOUNTS, select the Family & other users option.

Step 3 − 单击“添加家庭成员”按钮。
Step 3 − Click the “Add a family member” button.
Step 4 − 选择您要添加的家庭成员(儿童或成人)
Step 4 − Choose what family member you want to add (child or adult)

Step 5 − 然后系统会提示您为子女创建帐户。如果没有电子邮件帐户,您可以为他们创建 Outlook 帐户。
Step 5 − You will then be prompted to create an account for your child. If they don’t have an e-mail account, you can create an Outlook account for them.

Step 6 − 提供一个用于帐户安全的电话号码。如果帐户被黑客入侵或无法访问,将使用此号码。
Step 6 − Provide a phone number for account security. This will be used in case the account is hacked or inaccessible.

Step 7 − 从一些通知和体验选项中进行选择,例如,如果您想接收 Microsoft 的促销信息。
Step 7 − Choose from some notification and experience options, for example, if you want to receive promotional offers from Microsoft.

创建后,您的子女可以登录到自己的 Windows 10 帐户。
After creation, your child can log in to his own Windows 10 account.

此外,您可以选择通过开启活动报告来监控子女在帐户中的行为 −
In addition, you can choose to monitor what your child does in his account by turning on reports on his activity −

You can also choose to block “inappropriate websites” to limit your child’s browsing only to allowed websites.

最后,您还可以建立时间表来确定允许您的子女登录的时间 −
Finally, you can also establish when your child is allowed to log in by establishing a schedule −