Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Universal Apps
利用 Windows 10,Microsoft 已针对应用程序推出一项倡议,使其可在不同平台上“通用”。这意味着专为您的电脑设计的应用程序也可在 Windows 手机、Xbox 或任何其他兼容 Windows 的设备上运行。
With Windows 10, Microsoft has launched an initiative for applications to be “universal” across their different platforms. This means that an application designed for your computer can also work in a Windows Phone, an Xbox, or any other Windows-compatible devices.

为实现此目标,Windows 开发了 Universal Windows Platform (UWP)并改进了 Windows Store ,作为所有 Windows 应用程序的统一商店界面。用户可以单击任务栏上的图标访问 Windows 商店。这将打开 Windows 商店,允许用户浏览所需的任何应用程序。
To achieve this, Windows developed the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and improved the Windows Store to serve as the unified storefront for all Windows apps. To access the Windows Store, users can click the icon on the Taskbar. This will open the Windows Store allowing the user to browse for any app he wants.
Windows 也支持“跨设备购买”,这意味着在一个设备上购买应用程序许可证,也适用于用户拥有的任何其他兼容的设备。
Windows also allows “cross-buys”, which means that buying the license for an application on one device, also applies to any other compatible device the user has.