Windows10 简明教程
Windows 10 - Tablet Mode
平板电脑模式是 Windows 10 中一项新的功能,它允许用户在平板电脑从底座或扩展坞分离时切换系统界面。当平板电脑模式激活时,开始菜单将转为全屏。在平板电脑模式下,许多其他窗口(比如文件资源管理器或设置窗口)也将以全屏打开。
The Tablet Mode is a new feature in Windows 10, which allows the user to switch the system interface, whenever a tablet is detached from a base or dock. When the Tablet Mode activates, the Start Menu goes full-screen. During Tablet Mode, many other windows like the File Explorer or the Settings window also open at full screen.