Computer Fundamentals 简明教程
Characteristics of Computer System
The characteristics of the computer system are as follows −

A computer can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per second. The time taken by computers for their operations is microseconds and nanoseconds. Hence, a computer works with high speed during the execution of Mathematical & logical computations.
计算机以 100% 的准确性进行计算。由于数据不一致或不准确,可能会发生错误。极高的准确性表明计算机正在正确执行其任务并生成可靠的结果。100% 的准确性取决于算法、数据质量、硬件连接以及正在执行的任务中固有的不确定性。
Computers perform calculations with 100% accuracy. Errors may occur due to data inconsistency or inaccuracy. High accuracy indicates that a computer is performing its tasks correctly and producing reliable results. 100% accuracy depends on algorithm, data quality, hardware connectivity, and inherent uncertainties in the tasks being performed.
A computer can perform millions of tasks or calculations with the same consistency and accuracy. It doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. Hence, it can perform repetitive task without getting tired.
Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency. Hence, a versatile computer can be used for different purposes. A versatile computer can support Software Compatibility, Operating System Support, Programming and Development, Multi-Tasking, Internet Connectivity, Media Handling, Hardware Compatibility, Customization, and can manage different types of applications and workloads.
计算机很可靠,因为它为相似的一组数据提供了相同的结果,也就是说,如果我们多次提供相同的一组输入,我们将会获得相同的结果。可靠性对于确保安全性、数据完整性和持续运行非常重要。可以使用平均故障间隔时间 (MTBF)、平均故障时间 (MTTF)、平均修复时间 (MTTR)、可用性(系统可操作和可访问的时间的比例)和故障率、容错性(即使存在硬件或软件故障也能连续运行)来衡量计算机的可靠性。
A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar set of data i.e., if we give same set of input any number of times, we will get the same result. Reliability is important to ensure safety, data integrity, and continuous operation. Reliability of a computer can be measured using Mean Time between Failures (MTBF), Mean Time to Failure (MTTF), Mean Time to Repair (MTTR), Availability (proportion of time a system is operational and accessible), and Failure Rate, Fault Tolerance(continuity of functioning even in the presence of hardware or software faults).
Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it performs tasks without manual intervention. The main aim of automation is to improve efficiency, accuracy, and consistency in different processes by reducing manual intervention in the system. Automation can lead to increased productivity, reduced errors, and cost savings.
Storage and Retrieval
内存是一种存储设备,用于存储数据。计算机的妙处在于可以在需要时在主内存 (RAM) 中执行数据。另一方面,数据可以永久存储到辅助内存(硬盘)中很长时间,并且用户可以在需要时随时访问它;它不会在用户将其删除之前删除数据。
Memory is a storage device which stores data. The beauty of a computer is to execute the data in primary memory (RAM) whenever required. At the other side, data can permanently store to the secondary memory (Hard Disk) to the long time and a user can access it whenever they required; it does not delete the data until a user delete it.
Data Management and data analytics
In digital world, data can be in various forms, such as text, numbers, images, audio, and video. A computer may process and manipulate this data efficiently and provides insightful results from text, numbers, images, audio, and video data. The analytical results are used in decision making and useful to frame the strategies for the organisations.
The connectivity of computers enables data communication, resource sharing, and remote access to information and services.
Modern computer systems support multitasking, which means parallel execution of tasks. During multitasking process, processor rapidly switches between tasks, and giving the illusion of simultaneous execution. Multicore processors enable simultaneous execution of multiple tasks.
Security and Privacy
现代计算机的存在是为了保护数据安全和隐私,防止未经授权的访问、数据泄露和网络攻击。例如 - 生物识别认证、加密和安全启动保护了计算机和用户数据。
Modern computers are kept the data security, privacy of data to protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyberattacks. For example -Biometric authentication, encryption, and secure boot protect the computer and user data.