
@SqlGroup 是一个容器注解,它聚合了多个 @Sql 注解。您可以本地使用 @SqlGroup 声明多个嵌套 @Sql 注解,或者可以将其与 Java 8 对可重复注解的支持结合使用,其中 @Sql 可以多次在同一个类或方法上声明,隐式生成此容器注解。以下示例展示了如何声明 SQL 组:

@SqlGroup is a container annotation that aggregates several @Sql annotations. You can use @SqlGroup natively to declare several nested @Sql annotations, or you can use it in conjunction with Java 8’s support for repeatable annotations, where @Sql can be declared several times on the same class or method, implicitly generating this container annotation. The following example shows how to declare an SQL group:

@SqlGroup({ (1)
	@Sql(scripts = "/test-schema.sql", config = @SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`")),
void userTest() {
	// run code that uses the test schema and test data
1 Declare a group of SQL scripts.
@SqlGroup( (1)
	Sql("/test-schema.sql", config = SqlConfig(commentPrefix = "`")),
fun userTest() {
	// run code that uses the test schema and test data
2 Declare a group of SQL scripts.