
如果需要访问全局管理的预先存在的会话属性(即,不在控制器外部 - 例如,由过滤器管理),并且这些属性可能存在或不存在,那么可以在方法参数上使用 @SessionAttribute 注解,如下例所示:

If you need access to pre-existing session attributes that are managed globally (that is, outside the controller — for example, by a filter) and may or may not be present, you can use the @SessionAttribute annotation on a method parameter, as the following example shows:

public String handle(@SessionAttribute User user) { 1
	// ...
1 Using a @SessionAttribute annotation.
fun handle(@SessionAttribute user: User): String { (1)
	// ...
2 Using a @SessionAttribute annotation.======

对于需要添加或移除会话属性的用例,请考虑将 org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequestjakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession 注入到控制器方法中。

For use cases that require adding or removing session attributes, consider injecting org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest or jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession into the controller method.

@SessionAttributes 所述,对于在会话中作为控制器工作流的一部分的模型属性的临时存储,请考虑使用 @SessionAttributes

For temporary storage of model attributes in the session as part of a controller workflow, consider using @SessionAttributes as described in @SessionAttributes.