Web on Reactive Stack
本文档的这一部分涵盖对响应式堆栈 Web 应用程序的支持,该应用程序构建在 Reactive Streams API 上,可在非阻塞服务器(如 Netty、Undertow 和 Servlet 容器)上运行。各个章节涵盖了 Spring WebFlux 框架、响应式 WebClient
、对 testing 的支持和 reactive libraries。对于 Servlet 堆栈 Web 应用程序,请参阅 Web on Servlet Stack。
This part of the documentation covers support for reactive-stack web applications built
on a Reactive Streams API to run on non-blocking
servers, such as Netty, Undertow, and Servlet containers. Individual chapters cover
the Spring WebFlux framework,
the reactive WebClient
support for testing,
and reactive libraries. For Servlet-stack web
applications, see Web on Servlet Stack.