Bean Overriding in Tests
测试中的 bean 重写是指覆盖测试类中 ApplicationContext
的特定 bean 的能力,做法是为测试类中的一个或多个字段添加注解。
Bean overriding in tests refers to the ability to override specific beans in the
for a test class, by annotating one or more fields in the test class.
此功能旨在提供一种降低风险的替代方案,用于通过 |
This feature is intended as a less risky alternative to the practice of registering
a bean via |
Spring 测试上下文框架提供了两组 bean 重写注解。
The Spring TestContext framework provides two sets of annotations for bean overriding.
前者完全依赖于 Spring,而后者依赖于 Mockito 第三方库。
The former relies purely on Spring, while the latter set relies on the Mockito third-party library.
Custom Bean Override Support
上面提到的三个注解以 @BeanOverride
元注解和关联的基础设施为基础,它允许人们定义自定义 bean 重写变体。
The three annotations mentioned above build upon the @BeanOverride
meta-annotation and
associated infrastructure, which allows one to define custom bean overriding variants.
若要创建自定义 bean 重写支持,需要以下内容:
To create custom bean override support, the following is needed:
An annotation meta-annotated with
that defines theBeanOverrideProcessor
to use -
A custom
implementation -
One or more concrete
implementations provided by the processor
Spring 测试上下文框架包括支持 bean 重写的以下 API 实现,并负责设置其余的基础设施。
The Spring TestContext framework includes implementations of the following APIs that support bean overriding and are responsible for setting up the rest of the infrastructure.
模块在其[META-INF/spring.factories`properties 文件中注册了后两个实现(`BeanOverrideContextCustomizerFactory
和 BeanOverrideTestExecutionListener
The spring-test
module registers implementations of the latter two
and BeanOverrideTestExecutionListener
) in its
properties file.
bean 重写基础设施在测试类中搜索任何使用 @BeanOverride
进行元注解的字段,并实例化负责注册适当 OverrideMetadata
的相应 BeanOverrideProcessor
The bean overriding infrastructure searches in test classes for any field meta-annotated
with @BeanOverride
and instantiates the corresponding BeanOverrideProcessor
which is
responsible for registering appropriate OverrideMetadata
然后,内部 BeanOverrideBeanFactoryPostProcessor
使用该信息,通过注册和替换由相应 BeanOverrideStrategy
定义的 bean 定义,来更改测试的 ApplicationContext
The internal BeanOverrideBeanFactoryPostProcessor
then uses that information to alter
the test’s ApplicationContext
by registering and replacing bean definitions as defined
by the corresponding BeanOverrideStrategy
: Replaces the bean definition. Throws an exception if a corresponding bean definition does not exist. -
: Replaces the bean definition if it exists. Creates a new bean definition if a corresponding bean definition does not exist. -
: Retrieves the original bean instance and wraps it.
然而,与 Spring 的自动装配机制(例如,解析 In contrast to Spring’s autowiring mechanism (for example, resolution of an 通常, Typically, the bean is selected by type by the 某些 Some |