Key Abstractions

该框架的核心由 TestContextManager 类和 TestContextTestExecutionListenerSmartContextLoader 接口组成。为每个测试类创建一个 TestContextManager(例如,用于在 JUnit Jupiter 中单个测试类中的所有测试方法的执行)。反过来,TestContextManager 管理了一个 TestContext,其中包含当前测试的上下文。TestContextManager 还随着测试的进行更新 TestContext 的状态,并委托给 TestExecutionListener 实现,该实现通过提供依赖项注入、管理事务等对实际测试执行进行设置。一个 SmartContextLoader 负责为给定的测试类加载一个 ApplicationContext。请参阅 javadoc 和 Spring 测试套件以获取更多信息和各种实现的示例。

The core of the framework consists of the TestContextManager class and the TestContext, TestExecutionListener, and SmartContextLoader interfaces. A TestContextManager is created for each test class (for example, for the execution of all test methods within a single test class in JUnit Jupiter). The TestContextManager, in turn, manages a TestContext that holds the context of the current test. The TestContextManager also updates the state of the TestContext as the test progresses and delegates to TestExecutionListener implementations, which instrument the actual test execution by providing dependency injection, managing transactions, and so on. A SmartContextLoader is responsible for loading an ApplicationContext for a given test class. See the javadoc and the Spring test suite for further information and examples of various implementations.


TestContext 封装了运行测试的环境(与正在使用的实际测试框架无关),并为其负责的测试实例提供上下文管理和缓存支持。如果需要,TestContext 也会委派一个 SmartContextLoader 加载 ApplicationContext

TestContext encapsulates the context in which a test is run (agnostic of the actual testing framework in use) and provides context management and caching support for the test instance for which it is responsible. The TestContext also delegates to a SmartContextLoader to load an ApplicationContext if requested.


TestContextManager 是 Spring TestContext 框架的主要入口点,负责管理一个 TestContext ,并在明确定义的测试执行点向每个已注册的 TestExecutionListener 发出事件:

TestContextManager is the main entry point into the Spring TestContext Framework and is responsible for managing a single TestContext and signaling events to each registered TestExecutionListener at well-defined test execution points:

  • Prior to any “before class” or “before all” methods of a particular testing framework.

  • Test instance post-processing.

  • Prior to any “before” or “before each” methods of a particular testing framework.

  • Immediately before execution of the test method but after test setup.

  • Immediately after execution of the test method but before test tear down.

  • After any “after” or “after each” methods of a particular testing framework.

  • After any “after class” or “after all” methods of a particular testing framework.


TestExecutionListener 定义了对 TestContextManager 发布的测试执行事件做出反应的 API,监听器使用该 API 进行注册。请参见 TestExecutionListener Configuration

TestExecutionListener defines the API for reacting to test-execution events published by the TestContextManager with which the listener is registered. See TestExecutionListener Configuration.

Context Loaders

ContextLoader 是一个策略接口,用于为 Spring TestContext 框架管理的集成测试加载 ApplicationContext 。您应该实现 SmartContextLoader 而不是此接口,以提供对组件类、活动 Bean 定义配置文件、测试属性来源、上下文层次结构和 WebApplicationContext 支持的支持。

ContextLoader is a strategy interface for loading an ApplicationContext for an integration test managed by the Spring TestContext Framework. You should implement SmartContextLoader instead of this interface to provide support for component classes, active bean definition profiles, test property sources, context hierarchies, and WebApplicationContext support.

SmartContextLoaderContextLoader 接口的扩展,它取代了原始的最小 ContextLoader SPI。具体而言,SmartContextLoader 可以选择处理资源位置、组件类或上下文初始化器。此外,SmartContextLoader 可以在其加载的上下文中设置活动 Bean 定义配置文件和测试属性来源。

SmartContextLoader is an extension of the ContextLoader interface that supersedes the original minimal ContextLoader SPI. Specifically, a SmartContextLoader can choose to process resource locations, component classes, or context initializers. Furthermore, a SmartContextLoader can set active bean definition profiles and test property sources in the context that it loads.

Spring 提供以下实现:

Spring provides the following implementations:

  • DelegatingSmartContextLoader: One of two default loaders, it delegates internally to an AnnotationConfigContextLoader, a GenericXmlContextLoader, or a GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader, depending either on the configuration declared for the test class or on the presence of default locations or default configuration classes. Groovy support is enabled only if Groovy is on the classpath.

  • WebDelegatingSmartContextLoader: One of two default loaders, it delegates internally to an AnnotationConfigWebContextLoader, a GenericXmlWebContextLoader, or a GenericGroovyXmlWebContextLoader, depending either on the configuration declared for the test class or on the presence of default locations or default configuration classes. A web ContextLoader is used only if @WebAppConfiguration is present on the test class. Groovy support is enabled only if Groovy is on the classpath.

  • AnnotationConfigContextLoader: Loads a standard ApplicationContext from component classes.

  • AnnotationConfigWebContextLoader: Loads a WebApplicationContext from component classes.

  • GenericGroovyXmlContextLoader: Loads a standard ApplicationContext from resource locations that are either Groovy scripts or XML configuration files.

  • GenericGroovyXmlWebContextLoader: Loads a WebApplicationContext from resource locations that are either Groovy scripts or XML configuration files.

  • GenericXmlContextLoader: Loads a standard ApplicationContext from XML resource locations.

  • GenericXmlWebContextLoader: Loads a WebApplicationContext from XML resource locations.