Django 简明教程
Django - Generic Views
在某些情况下,编写视图(如前面看到的那样)确实很繁琐。想象您需要一个静态页面或列表页面。Django 提供了一种设置这些简易视图的简单方法,该方法称为通用视图。
In some cases, writing views, as we have seen earlier is really heavy. Imagine you need a static page or a listing page. Django offers an easy way to set those simple views that is called generic views.
与经典视图不同,通用视图是类而不是函数。Django 在 django.views.generic 中提供了一组通用视图类,而每个通用视图都是这些类之一或从其中一个类继承的类。
Unlike classic views, generic views are classes not functions. Django offers a set of classes for generic views in django.views.generic, and every generic view is one of those classes or a class that inherits from one of them.
共有 10+ 个通用类:
There are 10+ generic classes −
>>> import django.views.generic
>>> dir(django.views.generic)
['ArchiveIndexView', 'CreateView', 'DateDetailView', 'DayArchiveView',
'DeleteView', 'DetailView', 'FormView', 'GenericViewError', 'ListView',
'MonthArchiveView', 'RedirectView', 'TemplateView', 'TodayArchiveView',
'UpdateView', 'View', 'WeekArchiveView', 'YearArchiveView', '__builtins__',
'__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', 'base', 'dates',
'detail', 'edit', 'list']
This you can use for your generic view. Let’s look at some example to see how it works.
Static Pages
Let’s publish a static page from the “static.html” template.
我们的 static.html:
Our static.html −
This is a static page!!!
如果我们按照之前学习的方式进行操作,则必须将 myapp/ 更改为:
If we did that the way we learned before, we would have to change the myapp/ to be −
from django.shortcuts import render
def static(request):
return render(request, 'static.html', {})
并将 myapp/ 更改为:
and myapp/ to be −
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
urlpatterns = patterns("myapp.views", url(r'^static/', 'static', name = 'static'),)
最好的方法是使用通用视图。为此,我们的 myapp/ 将变为:
The best way is to use generic views. For that, our myapp/ will become −
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
class StaticView(TemplateView):
template_name = "static.html"
而我们的 myapp/ 将变为:
And our myapp/ we will be −
from myapp.views import StaticView
from django.conf.urls import patterns
urlpatterns = patterns("myapp.views", (r'^static/$', StaticView.as_view()),)
在访问 /myapp/static 时,您会获得:
When accessing /myapp/static you get −

For the same result we can also, do the following −
No change in the
Change the file to be −
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
urlpatterns = patterns("myapp.views",
url(r'^static/',TemplateView.as_view(template_name = 'static.html')),)
如您所见,您只需在第二个方法中更改 文件。
As you can see, you just need to change the file in the second method.
List and Display Data from DB
我们将列出 Dreamreal 模型中的所有条目。使用 ListView 通用视图类可以轻松做到这一点。编辑 文件并将其更新为 −
We are going to list all entries in our Dreamreal model. Doing so is made easy by using the ListView generic view class. Edit the file and update it as −
from django.views.generic import ListView
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
urlpatterns = patterns(
"myapp.views", url(r'^dreamreals/', ListView.as_view(model = Dreamreal,
template_name = "dreamreal_list.html")),
此时需要注意的是,通用视图传递给模板的变量是 object_list。如果您想要自己命名,则需要向 as_view 方法添加 context_object_name 参数。然后, 将变为 −
Important to note at this point is that the variable pass by the generic view to the template is object_list. If you want to name it yourself, you will need to add a context_object_name argument to the as_view method. Then the will become −
from django.views.generic import ListView
from django.conf.urls import patterns, url
urlpatterns = patterns("myapp.views",
url(r'^dreamreals/', ListView.as_view(
template_name = "dreamreal_list.html")),
model = Dreamreal, context_object_name = ”dreamreals_objects” ,)
然后,关联的模板将为 −
The associated template will then be −
{% extends "main_template.html" %}
{% block content %}
{% for dr in object_list %}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
访问 /myapp/dreamreals/ 将生成以下页面 −
Accessing /myapp/dreamreals/ will produce the following page −