Postgresql 中文操作指南

53.27. pg_inherits #

pg_inherits 目录记录有关表和索引继承层次结构的信息。数据库中每个直接的父子表或索引关系都有一个条目。(可以跟踪条目链确定间接继承。)

The catalog pg_inherits records information about table and index inheritance hierarchies. There is one entry for each direct parent-child table or index relationship in the database. (Indirect inheritance can be determined by following chains of entries.)

Table 53.27. pg_inherits Columns

Table 53.27. pg_inherits Columns

Column Type


inhrelid oid (references pg_class.oid)

The OID of the child table or index

inhparent oid (references pg_class.oid)

The OID of the parent table or index

inhseqno int4

If there is more than one direct parent for a child table (multiple inheritance), this number tells the order in which the inherited columns are to be arranged. The count starts at 1.

Indexes cannot have multiple inheritance, since they can only inherit when using declarative partitioning.

inhdetachpending bool

true for a partition that is in the process of being detached; false otherwise.