Postgresql 中文操作指南
B.2. Handling of Invalid or Ambiguous Timestamps #
通常,如果日期/时间字符串在语法上有效,但包含超出范围的字段值,则将会引发错误。例如,指定 2 月 31 日的输入将被拒绝。
Ordinarily, if a date/time string is syntactically valid but contains out-of-range field values, an error will be thrown. For example, input specifying the 31st of February will be rejected.
在夏令时转换期间,可能会有有效的timestamp字符串表示不存在或者不明确的时间戳。此类情况不会被拒绝;不确定的情形通过确定要应用哪个UTC偏移量来解决。例如,假设 TimeZone参数设置为_America/New_York_,考虑以下内容:
During a daylight-savings-time transition, it is possible for a seemingly valid timestamp string to represent a nonexistent or ambiguous timestamp. Such cases are not rejected; the ambiguity is resolved by determining which UTC offset to apply. For example, supposing that the TimeZone parameter is set to America/New_York, consider
=> SELECT '2018-03-11 02:30'::timestamptz;
2018-03-11 03:30:00-04
(1 row)
因为那一天是该时区的春令时开始日期,所以没有 2:30 AM 民用时间;时钟从美国东部时间 2:00 直接跳到美国东部夏令时 3:00。PostgreSQL 将给定的时间解释为标准时间(UTC-5),然后显示为美国东部夏令时 3:30(UTC-4)。
Because that day was a spring-forward transition date in that time zone, there was no civil time instant 2:30AM; clocks jumped forward from 2AM EST to 3AM EDT. PostgreSQL interprets the given time as if it were standard time (UTC-5), which then renders as 3:30AM EDT (UTC-4).
Conversely, consider the behavior during a fall-back transition:
=> SELECT '2018-11-04 01:30'::timestamptz;
2018-11-04 01:30:00-05
(1 row)
在该日期,有两种可能的 1:30 AM 解释;第一个是美国东部夏令时 1:30 AM,然后时钟从美国东部夏令时 2:00 回退到美国东部时间 1:00,还有一个小时后是美国东部时间 1:30 AM。同样,PostgreSQL 将给定的时间解释为标准时间(UTC-5)。我们可以通过指定夏令时来强制另一种解释:
On that date, there were two possible interpretations of 1:30AM; there was 1:30AM EDT, and then an hour later after clocks jumped back from 2AM EDT to 1AM EST, there was 1:30AM EST. Again, PostgreSQL interprets the given time as if it were standard time (UTC-5). We can force the other interpretation by specifying daylight-savings time:
=> SELECT '2018-11-04 01:30 EDT'::timestamptz;
2018-11-04 01:30:00-04
(1 row)
The precise rule that is applied in such cases is that an invalid timestamp that appears to fall within a jump-forward daylight savings transition is assigned the UTC offset that prevailed in the time zone just before the transition, while an ambiguous timestamp that could fall on either side of a jump-back transition is assigned the UTC offset that prevailed just after the transition. In most time zones this is equivalent to saying that “the standard-time interpretation is preferred when in doubt”.
In all cases, the UTC offset associated with a timestamp can be specified explicitly, using either a numeric UTC offset or a time zone abbreviation that corresponds to a fixed UTC offset. The rule just given applies only when it is necessary to infer a UTC offset for a time zone in which the offset varies.