Postgresql 中文操作指南

2.8. Updates #

您可以使用 UPDATE 命令更新现有行。假设您发现 11 月 28 日之后的所有温度读数都偏小 2 度。您可以通过以下方式更正数据:

You can update existing rows using the UPDATE command. Suppose you discover the temperature readings are all off by 2 degrees after November 28. You can correct the data as follows:

UPDATE weather
    SET temp_hi = temp_hi - 2,  temp_lo = temp_lo - 2
    WHERE date > '1994-11-28';


Look at the new state of the data:

SELECT * FROM weather;

     city      | temp_lo | temp_hi | prcp |    date
 San Francisco |      46 |      50 | 0.25 | 1994-11-27
 San Francisco |      41 |      55 |    0 | 1994-11-29
 Hayward       |      35 |      52 |      | 1994-11-29
(3 rows)