Postgresql 中文操作指南
54.8. pg_group #
为实现向后兼容性,pg_group_视图随之产生:它模拟了 PostgreSQL 在 8.1 版之前存在的一个目录。它显示所有角色的名称和成员,这些角色被标记为不是_rolcanlogin,即被用于作为组的角色集合的近似值。
The view pg_group exists for backwards compatibility: it emulates a catalog that existed in PostgreSQL before version 8.1. It shows the names and members of all roles that are marked as not rolcanlogin, which is an approximation to the set of roles that are being used as groups.
Table 54.8. pg_group Columns
Table 54.8. pg_group Columns
Column Type Description |
groname name (references pg_authid.rolname) Name of the group |
grosysid oid (references pg_authid.oid) ID of this group |
grolist oid[] (references pg_authid.oid) An array containing the IDs of the roles in this group |