Postgresql 中文操作指南
53.36. pg_parameter_acl #
目录 pg_parameter_acl 记录已向一个或多个角色授予的配置参数的特权。对于具有默认权限的参数,不进行任何条目。
The catalog pg_parameter_acl records configuration parameters for which privileges have been granted to one or more roles. No entry is made for parameters that have default privileges.
与大多数系统目录不同,pg_parameter_acl 在集群的所有数据库中共享:每个集群只有一个 pg_parameter_acl 副本,而不是每个数据库都有一个。
Unlike most system catalogs, pg_parameter_acl is shared across all databases of a cluster: there is only one copy of pg_parameter_acl per cluster, not one per database.
Table 53.36. pg_parameter_acl Columns
Table 53.36. pg_parameter_acl Columns
Column Type Description |
oid oid Row identifier |
parname text The name of a configuration parameter for which privileges are granted |
paracl aclitem[] Access privileges; see Section 5.7 for details |