Postgresql 中文操作指南
37.53. table_privileges #
视图 table_privileges 标识对当前启用角色的表或视图或由当前启用角色授予的所有权限。对于表、授予者和受授者的每种组合,都有一个行。
The view table_privileges identifies all privileges granted on tables or views to a currently enabled role or by a currently enabled role. There is one row for each combination of table, grantor, and grantee.
Table 37.51. table_privileges Columns
Table 37.51. table_privileges Columns
Column Type Description |
grantor sql_identifier Name of the role that granted the privilege |
grantee sql_identifier Name of the role that the privilege was granted to |
table_catalog sql_identifier Name of the database that contains the table (always the current database) |
table_schema sql_identifier Name of the schema that contains the table |
table_name sql_identifier Name of the table |
privilege_type character_data Type of the privilege: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, or TRIGGER |
is_grantable yes_or_no YES if the privilege is grantable, NO if not |
with_hierarchy yes_or_no In the SQL standard, WITH HIERARCHY OPTION is a separate (sub-)privilege allowing certain operations on table inheritance hierarchies. In PostgreSQL, this is included in the SELECT privilege, so this column shows YES if the privilege is SELECT, else NO. |