Postgresql 中文操作指南
J.5. Documentation Authoring #
使用具有 XML 编辑模式的编辑器修改文档源最方便,如果它在一定程度上了解 XML 模式语言,以便它可以专门了解 DocBook 语法,那就更方便了。
The documentation sources are most conveniently modified with an editor that has a mode for editing XML, and even more so if it has some awareness of XML schema languages so that it can know about DocBook syntax specifically.
请注意,由于历史原因,文档源文件以 .sgml 扩展名命名,即使它们现在是 XML 文件。因此,您可能需要调整编辑器配置来设置正确的模式。
Note that for historical reasons the documentation source files are named with an extension .sgml even though they are now XML files. So you might need to adjust your editor configuration to set the correct mode.
J.5.1. Emacs #
nXML 模式随 Emacs 一起提供,是使用 Emacs 编辑 XML 文档的最常见模式。它将允许您使用 Emacs 插入标记和检查标记一致性,并且它支持开箱即用的 DocBook。查看 nXML manual 以获取详细文档。
nXML Mode, which ships with Emacs, is the most common mode for editing XML documents with Emacs. It will allow you to use Emacs to insert tags and check markup consistency, and it supports DocBook out of the box. Check the nXML manual for detailed documentation.
src/tools/editors/emacs.samples 包含此模式的建议设置。
src/tools/editors/emacs.samples contains recommended settings for this mode.