Postgresql 中文操作指南

53.35. pg_opfamily #

目录 pg_opfamily 定义运算符族。每个运算符族都是一组运算符和关联的支撑例程,用于执行对特定索引访问方法指定的语义。此外,族中的运算符都是“兼容”的,这种方式由访问方法指定。运算符族概念允许使用跨数据类型的运算符与索引,并使用对访问方法语义的了解对其进行推理。

The catalog pg_opfamily defines operator families. Each operator family is a collection of operators and associated support routines that implement the semantics specified for a particular index access method. Furthermore, the operators in a family are all “compatible”, in a way that is specified by the access method. The operator family concept allows cross-data-type operators to be used with indexes and to be reasoned about using knowledge of access method semantics.

Section 38.16 中对操作系列进行了详尽描述。

Operator families are described at length in Section 38.16.

Table 53.35. pg_opfamily Columns

Table 53.35. pg_opfamily Columns

Column Type


oid oid

Row identifier

opfmethod oid (references pg_am.oid)

Index access method operator family is for

opfname name

Name of this operator family

opfnamespace oid (references pg_namespace.oid)

Namespace of this operator family

opfowner oid (references pg_authid.oid)

Owner of the operator family

定义运算符族的大部分信息不在其 pg_opfamily 行中,而是在 pg_amoppg_amprocpg_opclass 中的关联行中。

The majority of the information defining an operator family is not in its pg_opfamily row, but in the associated rows in pg_amop, pg_amproc, and pg_opclass.