Postgresql 中文操作指南
53.62. pg_ts_parser #
pg_ts_parser 目录包含定义文本搜索解析器的条目。解析器负责将输入文本分割成词素并为每一个词素分配一个令牌类型。由于解析器必须由 C 语言级别的函数实现,因此创建新的解析器仅限于数据库超级用户。
The pg_ts_parser catalog contains entries defining text search parsers. A parser is responsible for splitting input text into lexemes and assigning a token type to each lexeme. Since a parser must be implemented by C-language-level functions, creation of new parsers is restricted to database superusers.
PostgreSQL 的文本搜索功能在 Chapter 12 中有详细的描述。
PostgreSQL’s text search features are described at length in Chapter 12.
Table 53.62. pg_ts_parser Columns
Table 53.62. pg_ts_parser Columns
Column Type Description |
oid oid Row identifier |
prsname name Text search parser name |
prsnamespace oid (references pg_namespace.oid) The OID of the namespace that contains this parser |
prsstart regproc (references pg_proc.oid) OID of the parser’s startup function |
prstoken regproc (references pg_proc.oid) OID of the parser’s next-token function |
prsend regproc (references pg_proc.oid) OID of the parser’s shutdown function |
prsheadline regproc (references pg_proc.oid) OID of the parser’s headline function (zero if none) |
prslextype regproc (references pg_proc.oid) OID of the parser’s lextype function |