Postgresql 中文操作指南

Chapter 52. Overview of PostgreSQL Internals

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本篇章起源于 [id="sim98",role="bare"]biblio.html#SIM98 [id="sim98"] Stefan Simkovics 的硕士论文,该论文在维也纳技术大学在 O.Univ.Prof.Dr. Georg Gottlob 和 Univ.Ass. Mag. Katrin Seyr 的指导下准备。

This chapter originated as part of biblio.html#SIM98 Stefan Simkovics' Master’s Thesis prepared at Vienna University of Technology under the direction of O.Univ.Prof.Dr. Georg Gottlob and Univ.Ass. Mag. Katrin Seyr.

本篇章简要介绍了 PostgreSQL 后端的内部结构。在阅读完以下章节之后,你应该对如何处理查询有一个了解。本篇章旨在帮助读者了解从收到查询到向客户端返回结果期间在后端发生的常规操作顺序。

This chapter gives an overview of the internal structure of the backend of PostgreSQL. After having read the following sections you should have an idea of how a query is processed. This chapter is intended to help the reader understand the general sequence of operations that occur within the backend from the point at which a query is received, to the point at which the results are returned to the client.