Postgresql 中文操作指南
49.2. Logical Decoding Concepts #
49.2.1. Logical Decoding #
Logical decoding is the process of extracting all persistent changes to a database’s tables into a coherent, easy to understand format which can be interpreted without detailed knowledge of the database’s internal state.
在 PostgreSQL 中,通过将内容从 write-ahead log解码为特定于应用程序的形式(如元组或 SQL 语句流)来实现逻辑解码,后者描述存储级别的更改。
In PostgreSQL, logical decoding is implemented by decoding the contents of the write-ahead log, which describe changes on a storage level, into an application-specific form such as a stream of tuples or SQL statements.
49.2.2. Replication Slots #
In the context of logical replication, a slot represents a stream of changes that can be replayed to a client in the order they were made on the origin server. Each slot streams a sequence of changes from a single database.
PostgreSQL 也具有流复制槽(请参见 Section 27.2.5),但它们在那里以某种不同的方式使用。
PostgreSQL also has streaming replication slots (see Section 27.2.5), but they are used somewhat differently there.
A replication slot has an identifier that is unique across all databases in a PostgreSQL cluster. Slots persist independently of the connection using them and are crash-safe.
在正常操作中,逻辑槽只发送每个变更一次。每个槽的当前位置只在检查点时持久化,因此在发生崩溃时,该槽可能会返回到较早的 LSN,这会导致服务器重新启动时再次发送最近的变更。逻辑解码客户端负责避免因处理同一消息多次而产生的不良影响。当解码时,客户端可能会希望记录最后一次看到的 LSN,并跳过任何重复的数据,或者(在使用复制协议时)请求从该 LSN 开始解码,而不是让服务器确定起始点。复制进度跟踪功能是为此目的设计的,请参阅 replication origins。
A logical slot will emit each change just once in normal operation. The current position of each slot is persisted only at checkpoint, so in the case of a crash the slot may return to an earlier LSN, which will then cause recent changes to be sent again when the server restarts. Logical decoding clients are responsible for avoiding ill effects from handling the same message more than once. Clients may wish to record the last LSN they saw when decoding and skip over any repeated data or (when using the replication protocol) request that decoding start from that LSN rather than letting the server determine the start point. The Replication Progress Tracking feature is designed for this purpose, refer to replication origins.
Multiple independent slots may exist for a single database. Each slot has its own state, allowing different consumers to receive changes from different points in the database change stream. For most applications, a separate slot will be required for each consumer.
A logical replication slot knows nothing about the state of the receiver(s). It’s even possible to have multiple different receivers using the same slot at different times; they’ll just get the changes following on from when the last receiver stopped consuming them. Only one receiver may consume changes from a slot at any given time.
A logical replication slot can also be created on a hot standby. To prevent VACUUM from removing required rows from the system catalogs, hot_standby_feedback should be set on the standby. In spite of that, if any required rows get removed, the slot gets invalidated. It’s highly recommended to use a physical slot between the primary and the standby. Otherwise, hot_standby_feedback will work but only while the connection is alive (for example a node restart would break it). Then, the primary may delete system catalog rows that could be needed by the logical decoding on the standby (as it does not know about the catalog_xmin on the standby). Existing logical slots on standby also get invalidated if wal_level on the primary is reduced to less than logical. This is done as soon as the standby detects such a change in the WAL stream. It means that, for walsenders which are lagging (if any), some WAL records up to the wal_level parameter change on the primary won’t be decoded.
Creation of a logical slot requires information about all the currently running transactions. On the primary, this information is available directly, but on a standby, this information has to be obtained from primary. Thus, slot creation may need to wait for some activity to happen on the primary. If the primary is idle, creating a logical slot on standby may take noticeable time. This can be sped up by calling the pg_log_standby_snapshot function on the primary.
复制槽在崩溃中持久化,而对其使用者一无所知。即使没有连接使用它们,它们也会防止删除所需资源。这会消耗存储空间,因为只要复制槽需要,VACUUM 就不能删除所需 WAL 或系统目录中的所需行。在极端情况下,这可能会导致数据库关闭以防止事务 ID 环绕(请参阅 Section 25.1.5)。因此,如果不再需要某个槽,则应将其删除。
Replication slots persist across crashes and know nothing about the state of their consumer(s). They will prevent removal of required resources even when there is no connection using them. This consumes storage because neither required WAL nor required rows from the system catalogs can be removed by VACUUM as long as they are required by a replication slot. In extreme cases this could cause the database to shut down to prevent transaction ID wraparound (see Section 25.1.5). So if a slot is no longer required it should be dropped.
49.2.3. Output Plugins #
Output plugins transform the data from the write-ahead log’s internal representation into the format the consumer of a replication slot desires.
49.2.4. Exported Snapshots #
利用流复制界面(参见 CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT )创建新复制槽时,将会导出一个快照(参见 Section 9.27.5 ),该快照将精确显示数据库的状态,所有更改都将包含在此后更改流之中。可利用 SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT 读取创建该槽时数据库的状态,借此创建新副本。此事务随后可用来将数据库状态转储到该时间点,而之后则可以使用该槽的内容更新该状态,而不会丢失任何更改。
When a new replication slot is created using the streaming replication interface (see CREATE_REPLICATION_SLOT), a snapshot is exported (see Section 9.27.5), which will show exactly the state of the database after which all changes will be included in the change stream. This can be used to create a new replica by using SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT to read the state of the database at the moment the slot was created. This transaction can then be used to dump the database’s state at that point in time, which afterwards can be updated using the slot’s contents without losing any changes.
Creation of a snapshot is not always possible. In particular, it will fail when connected to a hot standby. Applications that do not require snapshot export may suppress it with the NOEXPORT_SNAPSHOT option.