Postgresql 中文操作指南

H.4. Extensions #

PostgreSQL 的设计具有很高的可扩展性。因此,可以将加载到数据库中的扩展作为内置功能运行。源码附带的 contrib/ 目录中包含多个扩展,它们在 Appendix F 中有详细说明。还有许多扩展是独立开发的,例如 PostGIS。PostgreSQL 复制解决方案也可以通过外部开发。例如, Slony-I 是一个流行的主/备复制解决方案,独立于核心项目开发。

PostgreSQL is designed to be easily extensible. For this reason, extensions loaded into the database can function just like features that are built in. The contrib/ directory shipped with the source code contains several extensions, which are described in Appendix F. Other extensions are developed independently, like PostGIS. Even PostgreSQL replication solutions can be developed externally. For example, Slony-I is a popular primary/standby replication solution that is developed independently from the core project.