Postgresql 中文操作指南
RESET 将运行时参数还原到其默认值。 RESET 是其替代拼写形式
RESET restores run-time parameters to their default values. RESET is an alternative spelling for
SET configuration_parameter TO DEFAULT
要了解更多详细信息,请参阅 SET 。
Refer to SET for details.
定义默认值时,假定为如果在当前会话中从未对此值发出过 SET ,则该参数应拥有的值。该值的确切来源可能是已编译默认值、配置文件、命令行选项或每个数据库或每个用户默认设置。这与将该值定义为“会话开始时参数拥有的值”存在细微区别,原因是:如果该值来自配置文件中,则该值将还原到当前配置文件中指定的任何值。要了解更多详细信息,请参阅 Chapter 20 。
The default value is defined as the value that the parameter would have had, if no SET had ever been issued for it in the current session. The actual source of this value might be a compiled-in default, the configuration file, command-line options, or per-database or per-user default settings. This is subtly different from defining it as “the value that the parameter had at session start”, because if the value came from the configuration file, it will be reset to whatever is specified by the configuration file now. See Chapter 20 for details.
RESET 的事务行为与 SET 相同:其影响将通过事务回滚撤消。
The transactional behavior of RESET is the same as SET: its effects will be undone by transaction rollback.
Name of a settable run-time parameter. Available parameters are documented in Chapter 20 and on the SET reference page.
Resets all settable run-time parameters to default values.