Postgresql 中文操作指南
Appendix E. Release Notes
Table of Contents
发行说明包含每个 PostgreSQL 发行版的重大变更,并列出最主要的特性和迁移问题。发行说明不包含仅影响极少数用户的变更或内部变更(因此对用户不可见)。例如,优化器几乎在每次发行中都会得到改进,但用户通常会将其改进理解为更快的查询。
The release notes contain the significant changes in each PostgreSQL release, with major features and migration issues listed at the top. The release notes do not contain changes that affect only a few users or changes that are internal and therefore not user-visible. For example, the optimizer is improved in almost every release, but the improvements are usually observed by users as simply faster queries.
可以通过查看每个发行版的 Git 日志来获取每个发行版变更的完整列表。 pgsql-committers email list 也会记录所有源代码变更。此外,还有一个 web interface ,可显示特定文件的变更。
A complete list of changes for each release can be obtained by viewing the Git logs for each release. The pgsql-committers email list records all source code changes as well. There is also a web interface that shows changes to specific files.
The name appearing next to each item represents the major developer for that item. Of course all changes involve community discussion and patch review, so each item is truly a community effort.