Postgresql 中文操作指南

F.45. test_decoding — SQL-based test/example module for WAL logical decoding #

test_decoding 是逻辑解码输出插件的一个示例。它没有什么特别的用处,但可以作为开发您自己的输出插件的起点。

test_decoding is an example of a logical decoding output plugin. It doesn’t do anything especially useful, but can serve as a starting point for developing your own output plugin.

test_decoding 通过逻辑解码机制接收 WAL,并将其解码为所执行操作的文本表示。

test_decoding receives WAL through the logical decoding mechanism and decodes it into text representations of the operations performed.

此插件的典型输出(在 SQL 逻辑解码接口上使用)可能是:

Typical output from this plugin, used over the SQL logical decoding interface, might be:

postgres=# SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('test_slot', NULL, NULL, 'include-xids', '0');
   lsn     | xid |                       data
 0/16D30F8 | 691 | BEGIN
 0/16D32A0 | 691 | table INSERT: id[int4]:2 data[text]:'arg'
 0/16D32A0 | 691 | table INSERT: id[int4]:3 data[text]:'demo'
 0/16D32A0 | 691 | COMMIT
 0/16D32D8 | 692 | BEGIN
 0/16D3398 | 692 | table DELETE: id[int4]:2
 0/16D3398 | 692 | table DELETE: id[int4]:3
 0/16D3398 | 692 | COMMIT
(8 rows)


We can also get the changes of the in-progress transaction, and the typical output might be:

postgres[33712]=#* SELECT * FROM pg_logical_slot_get_changes('test_slot', NULL, NULL, 'stream-changes', '1');
    lsn    | xid |                       data
 0/16B21F8 | 503 | opening a streamed block for transaction TXN 503
 0/16B21F8 | 503 | streaming change for TXN 503
 0/16B2300 | 503 | streaming change for TXN 503
 0/16B2408 | 503 | streaming change for TXN 503
 0/16BEBA0 | 503 | closing a streamed block for transaction TXN 503
 0/16B21F8 | 503 | opening a streamed block for transaction TXN 503
 0/16BECA8 | 503 | streaming change for TXN 503
 0/16BEDB0 | 503 | streaming change for TXN 503
 0/16BEEB8 | 503 | streaming change for TXN 503
 0/16BEBA0 | 503 | closing a streamed block for transaction TXN 503
(10 rows)