Postgresql 中文操作指南
检查点是预写式日志序列中的一个点,在此点上已更新所有数据文件以反映日志中的信息。所有数据文件都将刷新到磁盘。有关在检查点期间发生的情况,请参阅 Section 30.5 以获取更多详细信息。
A checkpoint is a point in the write-ahead log sequence at which all data files have been updated to reflect the information in the log. All data files will be flushed to disk. Refer to Section 30.5 for more details about what happens during a checkpoint.
CHECKPOINT 命令在发出该命令时会强制进行立即检查点,而无需等待系统预定的常规检查点(受 Section 20.5.2 中的设置控制)。 CHECKPOINT 不适用于正常操作期间。
The CHECKPOINT command forces an immediate checkpoint when the command is issued, without waiting for a regular checkpoint scheduled by the system (controlled by the settings in Section 20.5.2). CHECKPOINT is not intended for use during normal operation.
在恢复期间执行时, CHECKPOINT 命令将强制一个重启点(参见 Section 30.5 ),而不是写入新的检查点。
If executed during recovery, the CHECKPOINT command will force a restartpoint (see Section 30.5) rather than writing a new checkpoint.
只有超级用户或具有 pg_checkpoint 角色权限的用户才能调用 CHECKPOINT 。
Only superusers or users with the privileges of the pg_checkpoint role can call CHECKPOINT.