Postgresql 中文操作指南

62.2. Genetic Algorithms #

遗传算法(GA)是一种通过随机搜索操作的启发式优化方法。优化问题的可能解决方案集合被认为是 population individuals。个体对环境的适应程度由其 fitness 指定。

The genetic algorithm (GA) is a heuristic optimization method which operates through randomized search. The set of possible solutions for the optimization problem is considered as a population of individuals. The degree of adaptation of an individual to its environment is specified by its fitness.

个人在搜索空间中的坐标由 chromosomes 表示,本质上是一组字符字符串。gene 是染色体的一个子部分,它编码要优化的单个参数的值。基因的典型编码可以是 binaryinteger

The coordinates of an individual in the search space are represented by chromosomes, in essence a set of character strings. A gene is a subsection of a chromosome which encodes the value of a single parameter being optimized. Typical encodings for a gene could be binary or integer.

通过模拟进化操作 recombinationmutationselection,发现了新一代搜索点,这些搜索点显示出比其祖先更高的平均适应度。 Figure 62.1 说明了这些步骤。

Through simulation of the evolutionary operations recombination, mutation, and selection new generations of search points are found that show a higher average fitness than their ancestors. Figure 62.1 illustrates these steps.

Figure 62.1. Structure of a Genetic Algorithm

根据 FAQ,不能过分强调,GA 并不是解决问题的纯粹随机搜索。GA 使用随机过程,但结果明显是非随机的(比随机的要好)。

According to the FAQ it cannot be stressed too strongly that a GA is not a pure random search for a solution to a problem. A GA uses stochastic processes, but the result is distinctly non-random (better than random).