Statistics 简明教程
Statistics - Combination
组合是对一组对象中所有或部分对象的选择,而不考虑所选对象的顺序。例如,假设我们有一组三个字母:A、B 和 C。我们可能会问从该组中选择 2 个字母的方法有多少种。
A combination is a selection of all or part of a set of objects, without regard to the order in which objects are selected. For example, suppose we have a set of three letters: A, B, and C. we might ask how many ways we can select 2 letters from that set.
组合被定义并由以下函数给出 −
Combination is defined and given by the following function −
Where −
${n}$ = the number of objects to choose from.
${r}$ = the number of objects selected.
Problem Statement −
Problem Statement −
一名老师从她的 15 名学生的班级中可以挑选多少个不同的 10 人学生小组?
How many different groups of 10 students can a teacher select from her classroom of 15 students?
Solution −
Solution −
Step 1 - 确定此问题属于排列还是组合。由于改变所选学生的顺序不会创建一个新的组,因此这是一个组合问题。
Step 1 − Determine whether the question pertains to permutations or combinations. Since changing the order of the selected students would not create a new group, this is a combinations problem.
Step 2 - 确定 n 和 r
Step 2 − Determine n and r
n = 15,因为老师从 15 名学生中进行选择。
n = 15 since the teacher is choosing from 15 students.
r = 10,因为老师正在选择 10 名学生。
r = 10 since the teacher is selecting 10 students.
Step 3 - 应用公式
Step 3 − Apply the formula