Statistics 简明教程
Statistics - Kolmogorov Smirnov Test
This test is used in situations where a comparison has to be made between an observed sample distribution and theoretical distribution.
K-S One Sample Test
This test is used as a test of goodness of fit and is ideal when the size of the sample is small. It compares the cumulative distribution function for a variable with a specified distribution. The null hypothesis assumes no difference between the observed and theoretical distribution and the value of test statistic 'D' is calculated as:
Where −
${F_o(X)}$ = Observed cumulative frequency distribution of a random sample of n observations.
and ${F_o(X) = \frac{k}{n}}$ = (No.of observations ≤ X)/(Total no.of observations).
${F_r(X)}$ = The theoretical frequency distribution.
${D}$ 的临界值可从 K-S 表中单样本检验的值中找到。
The critical value of ${D}$ is found from the K-S table values for one sample test.
Acceptance Criteria: 如果计算值小于临界值,则接受零假设。
Acceptance Criteria: If calculated value is less than critical value accept null hypothesis.
Rejection Criteria: 如果计算值大于表值,则拒绝零假设。
Rejection Criteria: If calculated value is greater than table value reject null hypothesis.
Problem Statement:
Problem Statement:
在一项针对某所大学各个专业的 60 位学生进行的研究中,从每个专业抽取数量相等的学生,对他们进行了采访,并记录了他们加入大学戏剧俱乐部的意愿。
In a study done from various streams of a college 60 students, with equal number of students drawn from each stream, are we interviewed and their intention to join the Drama Club of college was noted.
B.Sc. |
B.A. |
B.Com |
M.A. |
M.Com |
No. in each class |
5 |
9 |
11 |
16 |
19 |
预期每个班级的 12 位学生会加入戏剧俱乐部。使用 K-S 检验来找出学生班级在加入戏剧俱乐部的意愿方面是否存在差异。
It was expected that 12 students from each class would join the Drama Club. Using the K-S test to find if there is any difference among student classes with regard to their intention of joining the Drama Club.
${H_o}$: There is no difference among students of different streams with respect to their intention of joining the drama club.
We develop the cumulative frequencies for observed and theoretical distributions.
Streams |
No. of students interested in joining |
${F_O(X)}$ |
${F_T(X)}$ |
${ |
F_O(X)-F_T(X) |
}$ |
Observed (O) |
Theoretical (T) |
B.Sc. |
5 |
12 |
5/60 |
12/60 |
7/60 |
B.A. |
9 |
12 |
14/60 |
24/60 |
10/60 |
B.COM. |
11 |
12 |
25/60 |
36/60 |
11/60 |
M.A. |
16 |
12 |
41/60 |
48/60 |
7/60 |
M.COM. |
19 |
12 |
60/40 |
60/60 |
60/60 |
Total |
n=60 |
检验统计量 ${|D|}$ 计算如下:
Test statistic ${|D|}$ is calculated as:
在 5% 显著性水平下的 D 表值为
The table value of D at 5% significance level is given by
Since the calculated value is greater than the critical value, hence we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a difference among students of different streams in their intention of joining the Club.
K-S Two Sample Test
当存在两个独立样本而非一个样本时,可以使用 K-S 二样本检验来检验两个累积分布之间的一致性。零假设指出两个分布之间不存在差异。D 统计量的计算方式与 K-S 单样本检验相同。
When instead of one, there are two independent samples then K-S two sample test can be used to test the agreement between two cumulative distributions. The null hypothesis states that there is no difference between the two distributions. The D-statistic is calculated in the same manner as the K-S One Sample Test.
Where −
${n_1}$ = Observations from first sample.
${n_2}$ = Observations from second sample.
可以看出,当累积分布显示出较大的最大偏差 ${|D|}$ 时,表示两个样本分布之间存在差异。
It has been seen that when the cumulative distributions show large maximum deviation ${|D|}$ it is indicating towards a difference between the two sample distributions.
如果样本的${n_1 = n_2}$并且⇐40,则使用两样本案例的K-S表格。如果${n_1}$和/或${n_2}$>40,则应该使用两样本检验的大样本的K-S表格。如果计算值小于表格值,则接受原假设,反之亦然。
The critical value of D for samples where ${n_1 = n_2}$ and is ≤ 40, the K-S table for two sample case is used. When ${n_1}$ and/or ${n_2}$ > 40 then the K-S table for large samples of two sample test should be used. The null hypothesis is accepted if the calculated value is less than the table value and vice-versa.
Thus use of any of these nonparametric tests helps a researcher to test the significance of his results when the characteristics of the target population are unknown or no assumptions had been made about them.