Statistics 简明教程

Statistics - Gamma Distribution


The gamma distribution represents continuous probability distributions of two-parameter family. Gamma distributions are devised with generally three kind of parameter combinations.

  1. A shape parameter $ k $ and a scale parameter $ \theta $.

  2. A shape parameter $ \alpha = k $ and an inverse scale parameter $ \beta = \frac{1}{ \theta} $, called as rate parameter.

  3. A shape parameter $ k $ and a mean parameter $ \mu = \frac{k}{\beta} $.

gamma distribution

每个参数都是正实数。Gamma 分配是由以下标准驱动的最大熵概率分配。

Each parameter is a positive real numbers. The gamma distribution is the maximum entropy probability distribution driven by following criteria.



Where −

  1. ${X}$ = Random variable.

  2. ${\psi}$ = digamma function.

Characterization using shape $ \alpha $ and rate $ \beta $

Probability density function

Gamma 分配的概率密度函数表示为:

Probability density function of Gamma distribution is given as:



Where −

  1. ${\alpha}$ = location parameter.

  2. ${\beta}$ = scale parameter.

  3. ${x}$ = random variable.

Cumulative distribution function

Gamma 分配的累积分布函数表示为:

Cumulative distribution function of Gamma distribution is given as:



Where −

  1. ${\alpha}$ = location parameter.

  2. ${\beta}$ = scale parameter.

  3. ${x}$ = random variable.

  4. ${\gamma(\alpha, \beta x)} $ = lower incomplete gamma function.

Characterization using shape $ k $ and scale $ \theta $

Probability density function

Gamma 分配的概率密度函数表示为:

Probability density function of Gamma distribution is given as:



Where −

  1. ${k}$ = shape parameter.

  2. ${\theta}$ = scale parameter.

  3. ${x}$ = random variable.

  4. ${\Gamma(k)}$ = gamma function evaluated at k.

Cumulative distribution function

Gamma 分配的累积分布函数表示为:

Cumulative distribution function of Gamma distribution is given as:



Where −

  1. ${k}$ = shape parameter.

  2. ${\theta}$ = scale parameter.

  3. ${x}$ = random variable.

  4. ${\gamma(k, \frac{x}{\theta})} $ = lower incomplete gamma function.